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So i need someone who could help me take care of house by doing some house work while am off to work. Someone that will also I will be offering you score credit report El Paso $300 weekly , I will be needing your services from three hours at any suitable time of yours, Mondays through Saturdays. I believe you are fit for this position in as much you will prove yourself to be a reliable and good person. one free credit report a year Our financier will be handling the payment score credit report El Paso and some other expenses. So he will be the one that will be taking care of your the payment. I will instruct him to pay for the first weeks before my arrival so as to secure your service, actually i should have paid for more weeks but i will extend the payment if am satisfy with your service after the first week. My financier will be making out a check to you before my arrival, you will be receiving a Certified Check of $3500 out which you will deducting your pay for the first week and you will be using the remaining to buy foodstuffs and other things needed in the house. order a credit report
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