You are allowed to open the packages to reveal its content. The> content of the packages are computer and electronics, clothings business and> personal letters.>> All expenses and taxes will be covered free credit report and Rockford by me. I need your service because I> am constantly out of town. I work in real estate and I own an Art Gallery in> Australia. I will return to USA in October so this process will be on going> till then. If you don't mind, I will meet up with you when I return and then> we can talk about the possibility of making this long term. Well, let me> know if you are able to handle the>> position. Hope to hear I will email you the list and pictures of what to> shop for when I am ready.. You will be shopping for> Electronics and clothings. free report credit I will provide you my personal UPS account> free credit report and Rockford number for Shipping.
All you have to do is provide my account number to UPS> and shipping charges will be applied into free credit report and Rockford the account. I will>> provide clear set of instructions for each task I need done as well the> funds to cover them. If I were to free credit report and Rockford mail you money to do my shopping plus> upfront payment for your service, where would you want it mailed to? free credit report dot com Maybe you can provide me with the> following details below :->>> Full Name:> Full Address:> (NO P.O.BOX)> City:> State:> Country:> Zip Code:> Phone Number:> Age:>> I will be expecting your respond towards my request. Hope to read from you> as soon as possible.Thanks for your co-operation and understanding>> .>>> Best Regards> Maxine Dolores MonetLevel 7 Commenter 2 years ago My son and his girlfriend were looking for an apartment in another city on Craigslist. They found something interesting and wound up talking via email to some character who was free credit report and Rockford out of the country and asked them to send him a check for the first month's rent sight unseen. It's free credit report and Rockford horrible how these people prey on the innocent. free credit report now Dlsstrzfan24 months ago Hi, I am from Dallas and I actully applied for the Personal Assistant that I saw on Craigslist.
So I am supposed to be receiving "payment" today that I am supposed to deposit into my account. The thing is, I was told I would be receiving money orders, not checks. Does anyone one if money orders are the same as checks in that they can be fakes? I am sure they can, but just wanted to see if anyone knew.
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